2nd of June
The teams that qualified earlier in the season for the 2022 H2GP World Finals have started to arrive in Assen, Netherlands. Teams have now arrived from Czechia, Slovakia, Switzerland, and the U.S. After settling into their rooms, they will begin gearing up for the endurance race on June 4th that will see the winning team enter into the Electron Champion Racer Circle!
Horizon Educational Welcomes 2022 H2GP World Finals Racers!
The Horizon Educational team welcomed the H2GP racing teams from around the world to the Hotel de Bonte Wever in cool and moist Assen! The teams now have their ID badges, homes for the next three nights, and world finals itinerary (the name schedule is included below). Tonight at 6pm CET the teams will be enjoying the welcome dinner for the world finals, and then tomorrow the real action begins.
After quickly settling into their rooms the teams are ready for their first H2GP World Finals meal! At dinner Assen Mayor Marco Out spoke to the students and encouraged them in their hydrogen and fuel cell efforts given the importance of fuel cells as a leading zero emission technology. The dinner was also attended by members of the Assen educational community, including Mare Riemersma who sits on the board of directors for Drenthe College. On June 3rd the teams will start out the day with a fun excursion to the Drents Museum and a tour of Assen’s city center. After getting back to the hotel teams will register their cars at the race venue and present their vehicles for a quick technical inspection. However, the excitement really begins to build tomorrow evening which is when the teams will do some practice laps with their vehicles to get a feel for the track, and at the same time the teams will be able to really see the kind of competition they are up against.
H2GP Team is still setting up the track :)
3rd of June
The first full day of the H2GP World Finals started off clear, cool, and educational. Students from the local primary schools gathered at the H2GP race track where they were given a lesson by Paul de Groot about hydrogen and fuel cells. At the same time, many of the participants in the world finals took a short jaunt to the Drents Museum. There they got to explore the institution as well as view a presentation about it and the northern part of the Netherlands. The Drents Museum is home to a number of paintings, items made out of brass, gold, and silver, and it is also home to several bog bodies. In the presentation students learned that the museum houses a canoe made between 8,000-10,000 years ago, likely making it the oldest canoe that is housed at any institution globally. After the museum the students got to see part of Assen’s city center, which is quite picturesque. On the way back to de Bonte Wever the students also got to see some actual ducklings (after all, it is spring in Assen). The H2GP participates have some short downtime before the real action begins with vehicle inspections, presentations, and practice racing!
2022 H2GP World Finals Presentations and Technical Checks
With less than 24 hours to go before the 2022 H2GP World Finals students have begun the preliminary challenges before the endurance race tomorrow. In the student presentations a team member needs to explain to a panel of judges how the vehicle technology works as well as any special items of interest. These can include the design of the vehicle or uncommon modifications to the vehicles.
Each team will also be submitting its vehicle to a technical inspection to ensure that the vehicle conforms to the rules in the H2GP Rulebook. While students are highly encouraged to come up with innovative vehicle and fuel cell system designs, the technical check ensures a level playing field for all of the teams.
After the presentations and technical checks are done students will spend some time on the track getting a feel for it before tomorrow’s race. Ready…Set…Practice!
LienBelow you can find the itenerary of the excursion planned for tommorow:
As agreed, the excursion is not mandatory, teams can decide if they want to Relax at the hotel or go to the trip.
We will do the sign up after the dinner.
The excursion program looks like this on Friday June 3, 2022:
08.30 a.m. transport first half of the group to Drents Museum by bus
08.45 a.m. transport second half of the group to Drents Museum by bus
09.00 a.m. start tour of the center of Assen accompanied by guides
10.00 a.m. finisch tour of the center
10.15 a.m. reception in Drents Museum and lecture and visit of the museum
11.15 a.m. departure first half of the group by bus from Drents Museum tot he Bonte Wever
11.30 a.m. departure second half of the group by bus from Drents Museum tot he Bonte Wever