Salt Water Fuel Cell Science Education Kit
Le kit scientifique sur les piles à combustible en eau salée illustre un concept de pile à combustible de pointe : combiner un électrolyte d'eau salée avec des plaques de magnésium pour générer de l'énergie électrique.

Kit scientifique pour les enfants
Le kit scientifique sur les piles à combustible en eau salée illustre un concept de pile à combustible de pointe : combiner un électrolyte d'eau salée avec des plaques de magnésium pour générer de l'énergie électrique. Le kit de pile à combustible à eau salée vous permet d'étudier la science derrière la technologie des piles à combustible à eau salée, soit en alimentant la mini-turbine incluse, soit en créant vos propres applications électriques.
- Comprend un dispositif d'alimentation à pile à combustible à eau salée et au magnésium
- Développez vos propres applications de micro-piles à combustible
- Facile à intégrer et à utiliser
- Compatible avec d'autres kits scientifiques Horizon
What is a salt water fuel cell? How does it work?
This kind of fuel cell works with air and with a plate made with magnesium. The electricity is made by two chemical reactions which occur in two different point of the cell. The first sight of the reaction is on the plate which is called anode. On this side, the water reacts with the magnesium and creates hydrogen ions (protons) and magnesium hydroxide and generates two free electrons. On the other part of the cell (cathode), the oxygen contained in the air which pass through the cell walls react with the water in order to constitute hydroxide ions. This reaction is possible only if there are additional electrons which are provided. So during the reaction, the free protons generated on the anode are attracted by the cathode because of the difference of potential. If the cell is linked to an electrical circuit, the free electrons will pass inside it in order to reach the cathode and let the second reaction happen. You can find the two half redox equations below.
Mg + 2H2O → Mg(OH)2 + 2H + 2e-
1/2 O2 + H2O + 2e- → 2OH
2Mg + O2 + H2O → Mg(OH)2
The salt in the water is used as a catalyst. In other words, it means that salt accelerate the reaction between Mg and water.
Salt-water Fuel Cell Experiments
Experiment 1 : Create electricity from water salted solution
Experiment 2 : Using different salt concentrations
Experiment 3 : Using different water temperature
Experiment 4 : Using different fuel volume
Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans le programme d’Horizon ? Le matériel n'est qu'un début. Nous avons construit le programme d'horizon de l'énergie pour fournir aux enseignants de multiples ressources pour impliquer leurs élèves.
Matériel fourni
- Activités pratiques en laboratoire
- Guide de l'enseignant
- Guide de l'étudiant

Concepts de chimie
Électrochimie, énergie, taux de réaction, rendement de réaction, réactions, concentration en solution

Concepts des sciences de la Terre
Énergie renouvelable
Is that possible to increase the output of salt water fuel cell? And how?
Yes. It is possible to increase the output of salt water fuel cell. You could increase the anode and cathode size to increase the output power. You could try to increase the salt solution temperature or you could increase the salt solution concentration to get high fuel cell output.
What is the best salt solution concentration?
You can do experiment 2: Using different salt concentrations to find the answer.
What is anode metal plate made of?
The metal plate is made of magnesium (Mg).
What are the specifications for the fuel cell?
Normally the output voltage is 1.2V and the current is 200mA.
Where can I buy the anode metal plate?
We can provide the anode metal plate.
Are there any other energy related educational products? Where can I buy them?
We provide many types of energy educational products. They are related to solar power, hydrogen power, chemical power, mechanical power, wind power, thermal power etc. For more sales information, please contact [obfuscate_1_|113|97|107|95|110|62|104|110|108|100|120|111|109|95|95|115|99|96|110|100|109|110|96|102|41|97|111|108], or visit our educational section:
How to maintain the fuel cell in good performances?
After each use, clean the fuel cell using fresh water. Ensure there is no remaining salt inside. Store the anode plate and fuel cell separately in a dry place.
What are the white particles on the anode metal plate?
They are the magnesium hydroxide and sodium chloride, as a result of reaction between salt water and metal plate.
I put the anode plate into the tank, but there is no electricity which is generated.
1. Make sure the connections are correctly done.
2. Try to clean the anode plate, if it still does not work polish the metal parts.
3. Change the anode plate.
4. Ensure you have poured the salted solution into the tank.
✔ Salt water fuel cell
✔ Salt water fuel cell anode plate
✔ Fan module
✔ Salt water fuel cell base
✔ Fan blade
✔ Gradual container
✔ Wires
✔ Fan blades adapter
✔ Syringe and its tube
✔ Renewable Energy Curriculum CD